Kynar Heat Shrink Tubing - BD320
Heat Shrinkable Kynar Tubing is an irradiated,
thin-wall tubing offering a high degree of mechanical
strength and high temperat ure resistance. Kynar
tubings are fabricated from polyvinylidene fluoride
which gives outstanding abrasion resistance and
cut-through properties in combination with high
dielectric strength. Kynar is inherently flameretardant
and semi-rigid. It is highly resistant to
most industrial fuels, chemicals and solvents.
Kynar tubings shrink at 350°F on applications
such as jacketing for components, fuse coverings
and capacitor protection. Because the tubing is
transparent, it offers see-thru inspection and
Heat Shrinkable Kynar is excellent for strain
relief applications. It can be flexed, twisted and bent
repeatedly without loss of mechanical or electrical
strength. Because of its thin wall, Kynar can be
used in areas where space is limited.
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